On either the QAFP or CFP exam, the following abbreviations may appear. If any one of the following acronyms or abbreviations appear in the exam, it correspond to the complete word seen below.
ACB | Adjusted cost base/basis | LIF | Life Income Fund |
AD&D | Accidental Death and Dismemberment | LIRA | Locked-In Retirement Account |
AMT | Alternative Minimum Tax | LRIF | Locked-In Retirement Income Fund |
CCA | Capital Cost Allowance | LRSP | Locked-In Retirement Savings Plan |
CDIC | Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation | LTD | Long-term Disability |
CESG | Canada Education Savings Grant | MTR | Marginal Tax Rate |
CNIL | Cumulative Net Investment Loss | OAS | Old Age Security |
COLA | Cost of Living Adjustment | PA | Pension Adjustment |
CPP | Canada Pension Plan/Quebec Pension Plan | PAR | Pension Adjustment Reversal |
CRA | Canada Revenue Agency | POA* | Power of Attorney |
CSB | Canada Savings Bond | QSBC | Qualified Small Business Corporation |
CSV | Cash Surrender Value | RESP | Registered Education Saving Plan |
DPSP | Deferred Profit Sharing Plan | RCA | Retirement Compensation Arrangement |
DRIP | Dividend Reinvestment Plan | RDTOH | Refundable Dividend Tax on Hand |
EAP | Education Assistance Payment | RPP | Registered Pension Plan |
EI | Employment Insurance | RRIF | Registered Retirement Income Fund |
ETF | Exchange-Traded Fund | RRSP | Registered Retirement Savings Plan |
FMV | Fair Market Value | TFSA | Tax-Free Savings Account |
GIC | Guaranteed Investment Certificate |
* For the acronym POA, it is a generic term that can refer to a Power of Attorney for Property (finance) and Health. Unless otherwise stated the POA should be considered to be “Unlimited” or “Enduring”.